Blog Content Syntax

After 10-20 hours working, I finally fix all the bugs after modifying the previous Jekyll framework. Now I can focus on the content! Here is my first blog!

Most typing rules with this blog framework are just like basic markdown rules.

  1. Code fence:
    def foo:
        return bar
  2. Inline codes: jekyll serve
  3. Math block:

    $$P \propto e^{-E/k_BT}$$

  4. Inline math: \(F=ma\)
  5. A quote:

    All models are wrong, but some models are useful. \(\quad\)— George Box

  6. Table:

    Syntax Description
    Header Title
    Paragraph Text
  7. Link: Emmy Noether
  8. Bold, Italian and delete line
  9. Separating line:

  10. Insert a picture:


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